If you live in the Netherlands and are aware of a threat to national security please contact AIVD (The General Intelligence and Security Service of the Netherlands) at the link above.
An outstanding Uyghur think tank
Please have a look at some of these criminals and see if you have any knowledge of them.
Scroll down on this link to see if you have recognized any of these criminals working anywhere else.
The Chinese security services have been posting fraudulent Red Notices that Interpol will take down if we help to identify them or any real criminal.
If you are in Australia and facing harassment contact AFP (Australian Federal Police). Please note they have a Uyghur language PDF on this site.
The International Criminal Court
The International Court of Justice
The European External Action Service
- The “Xinjiang Papers” and also here
- CSIS Projects
* AMTI (Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative)
Note that China uses the same fraudulent claims in the Indo-Pacific as they do about East Turkistan. Here is a great OSINT study
A great EU think tank
An excellent U.K. think tank